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(終了しました)1/31(火)2022年度 第3回社会包摂デザイン研究会「共生」参加者募集


(The English version is below)


今回のテーマは「共生」です。日本社会で暮らす在留外国人は 266 万9,267 人(出入国在留管理庁「令和4年6 月末現在における在留外国人数について」)。多様な文化的背景、宗教、エスニシティを持つ人々が既に多く生活しているにもかかわらず、収監中のスリランカ人女性が収容中に死亡し、技能実習生に対する不当な差別が横行するなど、その入管政策の問題を浮かび上がらせる問題が次々に判明しています。それでは、私たちは、こうした「受け入れ」のあり方をどのように見直し、共に生きる社会を構想できるのでしょうか。


2023年1月31日(火) 17:30〜19:00

17:30 開会、会の趣旨説明
17:35 講演(2 人×20 分)
18:15 クロストーク・質疑応答
19:00 閉会




趣旨説明:中村 美亜(芸術工学研究院 未来共生デザイン部門 准教授/芸術社会学)
・講演1「Mobility Justice」
   谷 正和 (芸術工学研究院 環境設計部門 教授/環境人類学)
   下村 萌 (芸術工学研究院 人間生活デザイン部門 助教/デザイン学)

◆主催  九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院 社会包摂デザイン・イニシアティブ
◆共催  九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院 芸工インターナショナルオフィス

The Workshop of Design for Diversity & Inclusion has invited professors studying various fields at the Faculty of Design or practitioners to approach the concepts of Shakai Hōsetsu Dezain (design for diversity & inclusion) from multiple perspectives.

The theme is Kyōsei, which means coexistence or multicultural symbiosis in English. 2,669,267 foreigners are living in Japanese society(according to Japan Immigration Services Agency). Those who have diverse cultural backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities are already living in this country. However, many incidents highlight the matter of immigration policy in Japan, such as the abuse and death of an incarcerated Sri Lankan woman and the unfair treatment of technical intern trainees (ginō jisshūsei). Then, how can we revise the way of hosting people to project a society where we live together?

Dr. Masakazu Tani, who has studied Rohingya people in Bangladesh, and Dr. Moe Shimomura, who has consulted with international students at the International Office, will talk about the theme by linking it to our daily cases. And in the latter half of the workshop, we would like to have time to take questions from the audience and think together. This event will be held online and offline with an automatic translation. Please join us.

Date and Date: 17:30-19:00, Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Site: Hybrid (Zoom or In-person: Kyushu University Ohashi Campus Design Common 2F)

17:30 Opening (Mia Nakamura, Associate Professor, Design Futures Course / Sociology of Art)
17:35 Lecture

“Mobility Justice”
   Masakazu Tani (Professor, Environmental Design Course/ Environmental Anthropology)

“Challenges of the International Office”
   Moe Shimomura (Assistant Professor, Human Life Design and Science Course/ Design Studies)

18:15 Question and Answer
19:00 Closing

Japanese with an English subtitle by automated interpretation

Application (Google Form):

Design Initiative for Diversity and Inclusion, School of Design, Kyushu University

International Office, Faculty of Design, Kysuhu University

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